Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Healing Love in a Hug

The touch of a hand, a smile, a hug... sometimes that's all it takes to turn the day around. A few days ago, I forced myself to go visit Grandma Martha. I hadn't been feeling well. I was so tired, but I could not shake the small voice that said "go"; I pulled myself together, combed my hair, and headed out.

When I arrived, I had to wait. They'd changed the security code. I finally made my way over to the dining area. Scanning the faces of the ladies, I didn't see her at first, then she raised her hand in a wave. On her face was a huge smile. As I came closer, Grandma raised both arms into the air for a hug. It was all I could do not to weep. She looked so small, sitting in her wheelchair with upraised arms. I bent down, and she pulled me in close and held on so tight. It was a long, healing embrace. I sailed back to my childhood, to the safety I always felt in Grandma's arms; I hope I brought her that same feeling of safety, of love. I owe her so much, this once powerful woman of God. She taught me to pray; she taught me to sing; she showed me how powerful faith could be; she lay beside me on my bed, praying for healing, when I was near death.

How do I say "thank you" when she doesn't remember all she's done; when the memories of her life are confused and clouded over? How can I make up for all that I left unsaid? It has to be in the small things; the hugs, the holding of her hands, giving love and comfort. She no longer appreciates the grand gestures, the expensive gifts. Now it's all about what the heart can appreciate. Even when the mind isn't clear, the body, the soul, and the spirit can be touched with the healing love of an embrace.

As I left that day, I turned at the door to wave. She was smiling and waving just as I knew she would be. My drive home was much more joyful than the drive there had been. My heart had been touched with the healing power of a smile and a hug.

copyright 08/29/2009 ajj

Friday, August 14, 2009

Updates on My Life...

Medical update: No Cancer! (I know I didn't say much, but was very worried.) All tests were great except the bone density. I'm now 5' 7" (formerly 5' 8-1/2") and officially have Osteoporosis. Yes, I'm taking calcium, vit. D, etc. Can't tolerate the hormone replacement, but increasing soy.

Life update: Nothing much going on. The weather is cooling again for the next 2 or 3 days. Love it! PJ is on a hiking trip this weekend with two friends. Lucky 13's been spending all of his time completing his three online courses. MJ keeping busy at work, and he's been attending lots of concerts and activities.

Creativity update: Well... I've begun several art/craft projects. Completed none. I have a major writing block. I feel like watching old movies or laying in the grass watching the clouds go by.
I did give up Diet Coke about a month ago... Time to pour myself a tall glass of iced tea, with the caffeine.

Quote for today:

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none."
~ William Shakespeare

Monday, August 3, 2009

Hot August Afternoon

I certainly got spoiled up in the mountains last week. The temperatures were in the 80's, and a wonderful, cool breeze blew off and on every day. I have not checked the temperature here, but when I went to the mailbox a few minutes ago it felt like an oven... hot and dry.

Our church camp was wonderful. I didn't get the chance to do much about my projects I took along, but I had the best time just catching up with friends. There was a service each morning and evening. The music was youthful and loud. At times, too loud for me. When did I get so old that loud music is not fun anymore? There were some softer worship songs blended in. I'm beginning to think it's time for a hearing check. I couldn't make out the words on most songs. I haven't gotten my glasses prescription filled, so I couldn't read them either. LOL! I did a lot of humming and clapping along.

There were some amazing speakers. They brought lessons that applied to the young people and the adults. It was a time of renewal and reflection for me. I may share more later. Right now I need to decide what to prepare for dinner tonight.

Oh, for those of you with an artistic side, the Mind Wide Open Challenge is going on this week. Check it out at:
Mind Wide Open
If this link doesn't work, you can click on the photo link on my sidebar. Gail has posted a very sweet image this month. I'm going to see what I can do with it.

Hugs & Blessings!
Nita Jo