Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 13 - Beginnings, Expanding My Circle

Sooo, I'm on the 13th day of my pledge, to write every day of this month, for NaBloPoMo (click link on side bar for explanation).  Besides writing every day, you are encouraged to read other blogs on the blogroll list.  I'm having trouble with that part.  I just can't seem to find blogs that I have much in common with, or that tempt me to branch out in a whole new direction. 

I've made so many friends through blogging, including artists, crafters, photographers, and a few writers.  By writers, I mean those whose first love is writing rather than those who write to share their other loves.  I've been told that to be a great writer, you have to spend time reading other great writers.  Not to copy, but to gain inspiration and knowledge.

Love of the written word is what brought me to blogging in the beginning.  The friendships I've made have kept me coming back.  Connecting to people who may be in far off places, but who I share a kinship with in some way.  This is reason enough to keep reading new blogs.  I'll try another few links from the blogroll, and work to expand my relationships with other writers.

 © 13JAN12 ajj

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