Sunday, May 19, 2024

What Happened...

I cannot believe it's been a year since I posted here. It's not that I've been that busy, I'm sitting here trying to figure out what I did with the time. I guess I'll have to go through my Instagram and Facebook posts, then come back and make a timeline for anyone who still drops in to visit me here. 

I was part of a creative class for some of it. I was journaling every morning for a while, but even that got set aside. It's just after midnight, so I'm actually too tired to think clearly. I'm just so surprised at the passage of time since my last post. I'll leave it at that, for now. 

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Springtime, Rain, Coronation

This has been another crazy spring! The weather has waffled between cold and too hot, too soon. Yesterday and today we are back to colder and rainy. It's pouring right now and I'm loving it! I've always been a fan of a rainy day. Perhaps I should be living closer to the coast or somewhere like Portland or Seattle where they get a lot of rain.

Speaking of rain, did you watch the Coronation of King Charles? A bit of a rainy day for it, but I loved all the pomp and circumstance and the historical rituals involved in every aspect of the day. Since I get Britbox streaming TV, I watched the British coverage. Next best thing to being there. It was broken into three episodes like a mini series. A very long day for all those involved but so important. Everything from the coach, the horses, the military, the decor, the clothing, the crowns... it was all amazing to see! The music was also beautiful! I love an orchestra and a choir! 

Here's a glimpse of my springtime.

Beautiful pink blossoms!

A Snowfall of Blossoms. What happens when the spring winds hit.

And the Barbies! I bought myself these off of eBay. Sold my childhood Barbies years ago and decided I wanted to own a Barbie again. The one like I originally had was listed at $350!!! Not on my budget, so I bid on a couple of affordable ones. This replica of the 1959 Barbie is now 30 years old! The replica!!! The Arizona Jeans Barbie is 28! Where do the years disappear to? I'm watching a GAP Barbie right now, hoping the price won't go too high. I'm a jeans and t-shirt gal so I love having a Barbie in jeans!

"Cool shades!"

"I think we're headed to very different parties."
"Love your jacket!"

I've been keeping myself busy with audiobooks, working on the Grow Me A Story challenges. Posting springtime photos to Instagram and Facebook, pushing myself to get back to journaling every morning, listening to their Dreams and Bones Podcasts (you can listen to these on the website or wherever you stream your podcasts), and I'm also writing a bit. Lots more that needs doing, which is why my blogging has taken a hit. I'd say I'll do better, but I don't want to make empty promises. It is on my huge to do list, so we shall see. Until next time!

© 07MAY2023 ajjahner

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Busy With Life

I'm sorry to be so neglectful of this blog. Life has been busy with activities for the Grow Me A Story classes and life in general. I seem to be on a disconnect with my writing at the moment, but I have ideas for some art projects. I actually have one in the works right now. Our classes focus on all types of creativity including decorating, artwork, music, story writing and telling, gardening and more. Anything you put your creative skills to work on qualifies.

Yesterday the class was on how to make use of the Canva website. It is a free online graphic desgn tool you can use to create social media posts, presentations, posters, videos, logos, business cards, and more! Below are two examples. I made these after the class to post to my Instagram account.

This was my first attempt.
I wanted something pretty for springtime.

My second attempt used a free image from Pixabay 
and a poem I wrote early this morning.

It was challenging and fun! I can't wait to try out some other ideas in the coming weeks! Until then...

© 01APR2023 ajjahner