Thursday, August 27, 2015

Procrastinating... Again...

I was just having a big laugh at myself. I'd decided to look through my blog drafts, you know, those half-done posts that never made it to the blog. One was labeled "Procrastinating" and talked about how I should be cleaning instead of blogging. Well, here I am again!

And the wind quickly swept her up and away...

Right now, I have laundry to finish, a comforter to locate, and a few little things I wanted to help my youngest do before he leaves for campus in the morning. What am I doing? Well, I checked my email. Printed some stuff for the elder son. Checked Facebook and that took longer than planned, which is no surprise! It's like a creepy vortex, sucking you into the dark hole of other peoples delights, problems, big news, political views (dear Lord, spare me!), funny photos, sentimental photos, cartoons, complaints, half-formed thoughts, and full-blown documentaries on the daily routine of their lives. After reading all that, somehow I feel compelled to put down my own version of any of the aforementioned, or sometimes all of them! Before I know it, days have passed! I'm bleary-eyed, dehydrated, and pretty cranky! This is the punishment for the Procrastinator! You feel like you're doing something, but in reality, you're in some kind of a Twilight Zone/Doctor Who crazy alternate universe where nothing important ever gets done!

The draft was dated May 2013... Time to get back to the cleaning... Right after I answer a text...

© 27Aug2015 ajj


This week is a farewell to a beloved great uncle. He was 98 years old, lead an amazing life, and was loved and admired by those who knew him. He leaves behind a huge extended family, including a total of 93 grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren. His legacy extended beyond family and into our community. For me personally, he always had a big smile and a twinkle in his eye. I still remember going out fishing on his boat when I was about 9 or 10. I only caught a squawfish (I believe they may be called pikeminnow now) which nobody wanted to eat, but he made a big deal of it, pointing out it's huge size and making me feel so special. Farewell, uncle Arvad, you will be missed.

My sons both start back to classes next week. The youngest will be packing tomorrow in preparation for his move back to campus on Friday. I've enjoyed the summer with both sons home. Seems like it just flew by, and autumn is just around the corner.

Farewell to the ease of summer break, long days, late night conversations, and hello to new schedules, life changes, and my favorite season. Can't wait for the frost, the golden leaves, and the bright orange pumpkins!

© 27Aug2015 ajj

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Soul Medicine...

I got out of the house again this weekend! Last week was a wedding; last night was pizza and Dominoes with some dear friends; today was church service followed by a baby shower. 

It's medicine for my soul to gather with people I love. To share our hearts, to laugh. At one point last night, the four of us were laughing so hard it brought tears. Going along in my day to day existence, I forget how nice it is to get out and reconnect and just have fun!

My "Must-Do" list now includes "making time for friends and fun"! Relationships take nurturing to grow and thrive, and the payoff is worth every effort I make. The rewards are a light heart and a joyful soul!

Take a moment and call an old friend!

© 16Aug2015 ajj

Thursday, August 13, 2015


Days are flying by! When I was young, summer seemed to last forever, not so anymore. One son will be back at college classes in two weeks and the other in four. My summer to-do list looks much the same as it did when I made it, and I've added even more items. Some are "must-do-soon" like selling excess stuff that's been in our storage unit for the past year. Others are little projects to get a jump start on the holidays.

Oh yes, I mentioned the Holidays! Don't hate me, but I even thought about typing the "C" word! Hohoho! The thing is, if you are a person who intends to make cards or gifts, or you just like putting thought into a unique gift basket or bag, it takes time and planning. If I don't get these things done early, my beloveds will get whatever type of item is left for last minute procrastinators, and I find those kind of things do not bring the happy "I know how much you love me because you selected such a thoughtful and perfect gift for me" face! I really want to see that "face" when I give, because it is a gift back to myself. It feels great to bring a little joy to someone I care about.

I intend to enjoy this last month of summer, even while chipping away at my lists. I attended a lovely summer wedding last weekend. I've taken time to step out of the house to gaze at the night sky, to watch lightening and listen to distant thunder, to feel cool grass on my bare feet, do a movie marathon with my sons, go out to dinner with husband and friends, read, and read some more. It's important to make memories, even the small, simple ones. It makes life lovely. It feeds the soul.

A summer night image to share with you, courtesy of Dover Publications.
Happy Summer, my friends!

© 13Aug2015 ajj