My youngest son, Lucky 13, has been in Orchestra since it was offered in Middle School. He plays the Cello, and really enjoys it.
About a month, ago he auditioned to be part of a local chamber orchestra and was accepted. They have two hour practice sessions each week. It has really stretched him musically. The pieces are a higher difficulty level and very challenging for him.
He came home from school today with a big smile on his face. First, he shared that his speech went over really well with his Speech class. He wasn't too sure he was going to be comfortable doing speeches. Several of the other students told him they enjoyed the sense of humor he brought to the presentation.
The he shared his bigger news... He's now first chair for Cello in the school orchestra. He did very well on his test. His playing has improved partly due to the new challenges of playing with the chamber orchestra. He loves playing Cello and takes great pride in improving his skills.
I wish all young people had the opportunity to take music in school. Often when the budget has to be trimmed in schools, the music and arts are the first to be eliminated. I believe music enhances learning. It's something that gives pleasure throughout your life, whether you perform professionally or for your own enjoyment.
Take time today to put a little music into your life...
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