Monday, April 13, 2009

Prayers Desired...

I just got through texting my little sis... she has eye surgery tomorrow. It's to relieve pressure in the eyes. Her second eye will be done the same day that I am having my first eye surgery! Different doctors and different eye clinics, but I kept thinking how funny we'll both be "under the knife" on the same day.

My eye surgery is due to cataracts. On the 22nd, I will have my right lens replaced with a man-made lens. If all goes as planned, I will only need reading glasses. My left eye will be scheduled after the Doc sees how quickly I recover from the first surgery.

I am "looking" forward to having it done. I have not been able to drive at night for some time, or to read normal print. I tried using my Grandpa's magnifying glass, but it was too much effort to hold the book and hold the magnifying glass. I'm sure it made a funny picture to my family! Lol!

If I am absent for a while, it is due to pre-op and post-op procedures. Plus, it may take a little time to adjust to my new vision.

Please keep me and sis in your prayers. I'll be "seeing" all of you just as soon as I can!

Nita Jo


The Feathered Nest said...

Hi sweet Nita Jo! I'll be keeping you and your sister in my thoughts and prayers dear friend ~ praying that the results will be wonderful!!! xxoo, Dawn

Donna said...

I will be praying for you and thinking of you while you recover. You'l do great and will be amazed at the difference! {{{{{hugs}}}}}

Donna said...

Prayers to you Both sweetie!! I know you'll both do great!!!hughugs

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

Nita Jo,

I just prayed for both you and your sister! Keep us posted!


Pam Mattick Art and Stuff said...

Hi Nita Jo
I didn't know you were going in for surgery at this time. Just put the feature about your blog for Faith Folk on the back burner. I'm praying that your eyes respond well to this and that you have no MS flares.
"You are loved with an everlasting love..."