Friday, July 9, 2021

Life Lessons and Reflections...

Life Lesson 1 - Talking about something does not make it happen. This is why I am not a published writer. Too much daydreaming, not enough pen to paper or fingers to laptop.

Life Lesson 2 - Release regret. Beating yourself up over things you've done, or things left undone, is not productive. Make the best of what you've learned. Share that knowledge with others, if it will lift them up. Then step away and move forward.

I've been reflecting on my life's journey. Where I wanted to be, where I thought I was going, and where I've ended up. That can be an overwhelming thing to do. It can bring up feelings of loss and regret, but it can also bring up feelings of wonder.

I recently reconnected a friend after many years, and she asked me if I'd ever published any of the children's books I used to talk about. I was forced to look at why I never achieved that goal. There are multiple reasons, including giving up too easily after rejections, discovering I loved children's literature but feeling I had nothing new to contribute to the genre, and just a general lack of direction and motivation. My first reaction was disappointment in myself. Then I began the process of letting that go.

I am not where I imagined I'd be. Life happened. Marriage, job changes, moves, children, loss. I could go on, but why? Regret is only valuable in the short term. Feel it, see it, learn from it, then drop it like a burning coal before it destroys you, before it leaves irreparable scars. Look at your accomplishments! At all the life well lived! At all the love! I have had some amazing experiences along the way.

It's never too late to learn, to release regrets, to begin again, or to start something brand new. Just writing this down is like taking a deep breath of fresh air. Where will it take me? Who knows. The journey is the thing, moving forward one step at a time and enjoying the delights along the way.

© 09Jul2021 ajjahner


Donna said...

Hi girlfriend...I wanted to become a doctor...OB/ happened. I did make it as far as becoming a nurse, LVN, but the ultimate goal passed me by.
Four years med school, four years residency, I'm just now 70...time has run out on me. But you?? YOU have time on your side! Go for it!!!

Nita Jo said...

I can't believe I missed several of your comments. I stayed away from my blog longer than planned. Also, I'm older than you think. Officially retirement age, 65! I can't believe it myself! Where does the time go!
Big Hugs to you!