Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Small Miracles...

Just a short post. This has been quite a week leading up to my mom's birthday. I've had so many wonderful memories of her. A little project that got put on the back burner, first by me and then by my sis, was to find a reel to reel player to listen to mom's old tapes. Two days ago, my sister's partner surprised her with an old portable reel to reel player. The first tape she listened to had mom learning the guitar and singing one of our dad's favorite songs to sing, Keys to the Kingdom. Needless to say, we both did some crying and some laughing too. It's the small miracles that make life so amazing!


Donna said...

Aww!! I made my Daddy tape his life...6 cassette tapes full...I tried once to listen to them but had to stop...bawled like a kid. Maybe I'll try again soon...

Nita Jo said...

That will be a treasure to listen to when you're ready! I wish I'd done something like that with my parents and grandparents. There is definitely crying when I hear any of their voices on tape. Totally worth it though!
Anita Jo