Sunday, March 4, 2012


Below is a short piece of fiction for this weeks Sunday Scribblings prompt, Search.  It also falls under the March NaBloPoMo theme of Whether, and Friday's prompt, Uncertainty.

Her eyes scanned the crowd, searching for his face.  The uncertainty clutched at her heart.  Ten years was such a long time.  Would it feel ok, would it be anything like before?

She struggled to remember what had broken in their relationship.  It was a lot of little things that chipped away at the foundation, until it all crumbled.  Walking away had been easy.  Living without him had been hard.  The day she was online, and received his "friend" request, her heart had jumped inside her.  It had been hard to breath.  He lived clear across the country now, but as they began to reconnect over the net, it felt like the magic was still alive.  It had been a year.  Now the face to face they had planned was here, and doubts were making her head spin.

Passengers were streaming through the security gates, then she saw him.  Eyes locked, then smiles.  They moved toward each other, side stepping everyone in between.  Arms wide, they embraced, locked together for a moment.  Then he held her at arms length, just looking, eyes smiling.  She didn't know how this would end, but she did know that her heart hadn't felt this light in a very long time.

© 04MAR2012 aj


Denise Moncrief said...

You've described those fluttery feelings really well. My daughter reconnected with her ex via Facebook almost a year ago and they are still together. This hit close to reality for me.

Josie Two Shoes said...

A great tale that leaves you wanting to know how it all worked out!

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

You wrote a novel in 4 paragraphs ... an amazing story that caught me up instantly. Very nice ...

Andrea @ From the Sol

Nita Jo said...

I really appreciate all the comments! I may have to keep writing about them and see where it takes me. Thank you for stopping by!

Hemant said...

You have drawn a very touchy and emotional picture through this real life type story.

Best Wishes.

jlund151 said...

Hi Nita,
Love your blog! Keep writing...

Archna Sharma said...

Very complete, at the least. I found myself lost in your story, almost as though I had been reading about these two for chapters.

I hope you explore their connection sometime again.

ps~~I love that you had them reconnect via "friend request" and that you left them nameless; I can only imagine how many times social networking has helped in redeveloping relationships.

Donna said...

Wonderful writing Nita!!!

Nita Jo said...

I was surprised to find more comments today! Thank you all so much! I love writing, and when it touches something in other people, it makes it twice as rewarding.