Friday, September 9, 2016


I'm sitting here with my coffee and reflecting on the voices I've been hearing. Yes, they're all in my head! Characters talking, stories begging to be told, imagination running amok! The one thing I didn't spend enough time on over the summer was my writing. Intentions were high, but motivation was at an all time low. I spent a lot of time visiting with my sons, watching Formula One racing on the weekends (a new obsession of mine), sorting through boxes of keepsakes and old photos (I have hundreds), chatting on the phone with friends, sipping coffee, napping, reading... almost anything but writing!

I intended to blog at least once a week. I intended to work on my book. I intended to completely organize and redecorate my home. What is it they say about good intentions? Never mind...

Vintage Sunflower Botanical, compliments of Dawn of The Feathered Nest

Today is a beautiful September day! Time for a fresh start as we head into autumn! Have I told you this is my favorite time of year? Of course I have! It always feels like a time of beginnings to me. Though I'm in, what many might define as, the autumn years of life, it seems appropriate for me to look at this as a time of beginning. I will get serious about my writing. I will read more and take better care of myself. Three things. I can start with three things!

You're wondering why this feels like a time of beginnings to me? I think it has to do with school. New pencils, crayons, paper. New classmates and teachers. Then there were the school clothes and shoes! All new! A clean slate! So we would begin again.

Well, enough for today! The voices are telling me to move on to my other writing. I promise I'll return soon, with more of my ramblings! Joy to each of you!

© 09Sep2016 ajj


Scottish Nanna said...

Hi Nita Jo Just thinking of you so I have Popped in to say hi Hope this finds you and your family all well Love Mary xxxxxxx

Nita Jo said...

Mary, How wonderful to hear from you! We are all well, and I hope you are too. I will visit your blog soon. :)