Thursday, February 3, 2022

When Life Gets Complicated...

I'm sharing another draft post. This one was written on May 22, 2018 at 2:01 AM. I still find myself awake in the wee hours of the morning, mulling over the issues and concerns of life. When I read this old draft, I was struck by the fact that I'm still working on these things. Yes, I have gotten stronger. I have found a clearer direction in many aspects of life, but there is still room for improvement. I hope reading this might encourage or inspire you. This is what I wrote back in 2018.

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When things in my life get complicated, and the news of the world gets overwhelming, I recognize I need a place to retreat to. Sharing what's happening with my family or my health issues comes too easily at times. It's not the worst thing to share our pain or frustrations with others to get their feedback and support. We need one another. It has simply become clear to me, I need to step back and find my center again. That's what I've been doing in my absences from writing and blogging. Searching for my center, for spirit and soul edification.

I'll be the first to admit, I've got miles to go. In my imagination, I believed by this stage of life I would be so confident, standing strong in my power. There are days I wonder when and where I got off track. The thing is, I've come to believe I am following the exact path I was intended to walk. Every step along the way, every painful or frustrating situation, has brought new insight with it. It's not always easy to see growth because it comes in stages and over time. Picture the oak and it's beginnings with just a small acorn. Over the passing years, stature increases and roots push deeper. We don't witness the daily changes, but one day we realize how strong that oak has become. How tall and proud and resilient.

My stature may not be that of a great oak, but my heart and soul are stronger today than ever before. Even when the journey seems rocky and difficult, we are experiencing growth and change.

© 03FEB2022 ajjahner


Donna said...

I love the way you write sweet friend...Hope you're doing well!

Nita Jo said...

Thanks Donna!I'm doing ok. Still dealing with lingering cough, but feeling better for the most part. Getting a lot done, so that's good! Now I'm off to visit you!
Nita Jo