Saturday, February 22, 2020

Changes in the Weather...

The robins are back, a hopeful sign that spring is not too far off. There are changes in the weather and changes in my world. I've been absent from here for a while, dealing with some health issues. It looks like those issues are bringing more change to my life. A possible surgery. More on that another time.

I started my little eBay business with my sis, but that is on hold for the moment. I'd really hoped to showcase some our featured treasures here on my blog. Sometimes life hands us a different road map to follow. I'm hoping in a few weeks time to return to my original path.

My other hobbies have been set aside for while, the writing, researching my ancestors, crafting. I just haven't had the focus or the energy. I'm believing that is also going to change once I get my health issues resolved. Updates to follow. Until then, wishing you blessings and joy!


Donna said...

Well darn! I hope you're doing better now???
It's been quiet the Winter hasn't it?!!
Waiting for news on how you're feeling!!

Sally said...

I'm checking up on you, wondering how you are. I thought I'd left a comment here before. Did you have the surgery? How are things with y'all? Hope you're safe and well.


Sally said...

Thinking of you, Nita Jo.

I hope things are better for you now


Nita Jo said...

Donna and Sally,
I'm so sorry, I just found these comments tonight in the "awaiting moderation" area. I'd forgotten I'd shut off commenting before my surgery. Anyhoo... My surgery was March 9th, ironically since Donna posted her comment that afternoon. It was an open heart dbl bypass. They had a lot of trouble waking me from it, about the time of your comment. It was a rough day for my husband and sons. I was still intubated when they headed home for the night after 7 PM. Sally, I am doing better now though it's been a much slower recovery than I ever imagined. Thank you both for caring! I hope you are both doing well!