Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday Scribblings #260 - Nearly

Maddie was dressed and ready to go.  She'd gotten up early, showered, selected her best clothes, eaten a light breakfast, and read the paper.  Now, with purse in hand she stood looking at the door.  Dizzy, she was so dizzy. "I'll just sit for a bit." she thought.  And so, she sat.  The minutes ticked into hours.  At some point, she hung her jacket back in the closet and placed her handbag over the doorknob.  She'd almost made it.  She was very nearly there, but not quite.  Maybe next time.  Yes, next time she would go.

© 27Mar2011 ajj

To read other Sunday Scribblings writers go HERE.
For more of my writing, go to My Sunday Scribblings.
And, thank you so much for stopping by...

Sunday Scribblings #259 - Free

Free.  "You're free." he said, smiling as he slipped the stack of papers into the large manilla envelope.  She couldn't process the word.  How do you become free of 28 years of life, of memories.  Who asked to be free anyway?  She certainly hadn't.  Rachael took the envelope.  She didn't even attempt to return his smile.  "Thank you for your help." she stated quietly.  She didn't mean it.  What is the point of thanking someone for the assist in turning your life upside-down?  And, for a pretty high cost at that!  She grabbed her coat and left his office.  Three flights down, out the double doors, and into the cold, clear day.

Looking around, Rachael noticed that everything looked exactly the same.  The world continued on indifferently.  As if her problems didn't change anything.  Well, they really didn't, except to her.  Jeff & Jayna had been nonchalant about everything.  "Mom, life goes on.  What's important is that you both find happiness."  Who were these people?  That is certainly not how she raised them.  Marriage was forever.  Momma & pops certainly never considered such a thing.  She walked slowly down the street.  Traffic was mad, as usual, horns barking out a retort for their discontented drivers.  A young mother passed her, trying to keep three little ones within reach.  An old man sat on the bench waiting for the next bus.  Everything was the same.  Everything was different.  She was free.

© 27Mar2011 ajj

For more Sunday Scribblings go HERE.  For more of my writing pieces for this venue, go to My Sunday Scribblings.  As always, thanks for stopping by...

Sunday Scribblings #258 - Big

"Momma, wait" she cried, running to keep up.  There were funny people all around, scary, leering with their white faces and crazy grins.  Momma put her hand behind her, grasping the tiny fingers, and glancing over her shoulder, with a smile for her little one.  "This is fun" she laughed, "Just look at all the pretty colors."  Eyes wide, the little girl looked around at the big world full of big things. It all looked frightening to her.  From the clowns, to the tent, to the wagons holding the tigers and bears, it was all too much to take in.  Little did she know that one day, because her Momma had spent this day with her, just the thought of a circus would make her tremble with happiness, clear down to her toes.

© 27March2011 ajj

Sunday Scribblings #257 - Raw

Emotions bubble to the surface,
Too long subdued.
They are raw, uncensored,
Ugly to see, worse to hear.
How does the heart begin to heal?
Where is a salve to ease the pain,
To cleanse the gaping wound?
Will it remain forever tattooed,
An effigy to your betrayal?

© 27MAR2011 ajj

Sunday Scribblings #256 - Fire

It was that kind of day.  You know, when everything seems rather mundane.  You're going along doing your normal daily routines.  There's a happy kind of feeling inside, and then you get hit with it!  Words come at you faster than you can process them.  It's not that "they" are talking fast, it's like that thing that happens during a car wreck, where everything seems to be in slow motion.  Then it all speeds up, and you have hit the wall faster than you'd ever have imagined.  And you sit there, bleeding from the head, pain oozing out of every pore.  What just happened, you ask.  What, what, what was that?  I just didn't see it coming.  I was watching, but it came out of nowhere.  I'm sorry, so sorry, I don't know why I'm crying.  I just should have known,  I should have seen it coming.  I should have been more careful.  I looked away, just for an instant, and my dreams caught fire... and they're gone.  Up in smoke... and there's no going back.  I can never get it all back.

© 27Mar2011 ajj

Thursday, March 3, 2011

What's New...

First, I want to point out the photo link... over on the sidebar... for the "My Salvaged Treasures" blog!  Betsy is celebrating 200 followers with a fun giveaway.  All you have to do to enter, is leave a comment.  Go click now, because it ends soon!  Then come right back...

So, I've been absent a lot lately... family stuff... you know, life with it's good and bad.  Mostly good, I have to say, although we still need lots of prayer for Elizabeth (step-brother's 17 old daughter... is step-niece a word).  She was going through another round of Chemo for the Ovarian cancer, and she took a turn for the worse.  Everything is stable now, but this is a rough road for anyone, much less such a young lady.  So please keep her in your prayers!

The fun... I've joined and have intensified my search for my family history.  It's time-consuming, frustrating, and fascinating!  You have to be so careful to document every relation with Census Records, or some other proof.  Draft cards, marriage and death certificates, etc.  I'm hoping to find out more about many family members, including my Grandma Ruth... my mom's mom... this is her...

I discovered another great-granddaughter on my maternal grandfathers side!  We are now exchanging photos and information.  She sent me her telephone number and I called.  We talked and laughed for about an hour.  There was that instant family connection.  She knew stories that my grandpa, and my mom, had told me.  Plus, she knew a couple I hadn't heard, and I was able to share a couple with her!  Her mom is still living, and can provide a lot of history!  It is Fun!

Well, now you know why I may be absent for the next month or so.  I'll check in, but am not promising anything.  I'll probably be sitting right here... just making my eyes go bleary, starring at old documents and photos! 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sunday Scribblings #254 - A Thousand Years

reality shows, news about wars
images on film or digital,
the latest fashion, the trend,
the thing that's "it" for today
wallpaper, paint, linen, leather or vinyl
who's who, who's hot, who's not
property; buy it, sell it, rent or
find a niche under the bridge

save words in a book or a memory chip
create art in paint, charcoal, ink, pastels
what will it matter in a thousand years
will anyone be here to care
will it all be blown to oblivion
will all the good be in heaven
what about me... where will i be
will any of this really even matter

So.... that's my take on the prompt for Sunday Scribblings #254 "A Thousand Years"
I wrote it a while back.  It's a bit dark, but sometimes we all stand in the dark... and wonder.

copyright 13Feb2011 ajj