Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Change of Plans

Well, plans fell through for me. I was supposed to be up at our Church Camp with PJ and Lucky13, but there were other plans for me. I had not been feeling the greatest. Monday came and I still felt under the weather, so I made a decision to stay home. I have felt a real peace about my decision, and I'm not totally on my own... older son is still here when he's not at work or out with friends that is.

Two years ago we had to miss the camp. I was very sad the entire week. I was not well enough to go, but I missed it so much. Church Camp has been a part of my life since I was 7 years old. At least that's the first year I remember going. It's always a fun week full of spiritual activies, recreational activities, and just time to get acquainted with new friends or spend time with old ones.

So far, reports are that husband and son are having a great time! They went fully armed with mosquito repellant, but I forgot to send the sunscreen... it's always something. It's like when you forget to serve the jello salad or the sweet potatoes at Thanksgiving until everyone is too full to care.

My husband got West Nile Virus a couple of years ago, so we are extremely careful about the mosquito repellant. He recovered, but it was a slow process. He still doesn't have the energy he had before. We are so fortunate though. Lives have been lost and some have difficult long term disabilities. A childhood schoolmate is making a slow recovery from paralysis resulting from West Nile. He was infected the same summer as my husband. He's thankful for the progress he makes each day.

I've heard these things referred to as "speed bumps"... they make you slow down and take another look at your life and where it's going. I think sometimes they could more aptly be described as gigantic sink holes or craters. Faith, and a sense of humor, are sometimes all that gets us through them. It sometimes helps to look back on your happy times and laugh again.

Here are a few pictures from past camps that make me smile:
PJ & I three years ago

Water Curling... Points earned by how far your teammate slides.
Two of my Very Favorite Cousins, Kevin and Laurie
From "several" years ago Kathryn & Joe, Grandma Martha & Grandpa Evert, Robin & Kent (another cousin... Oh my, I'd forgotten bout that beard!)
I love this old photo. I have hundreds more, but no time or room to post them. I'll save some for another day.

Random Note: On the Free Images I posted, I noticed that when you click on the image, they are not enlarging as some of my photos do. I'm not sure why, but it may affect the size of the image you are able to save. I have checked out the "Help" section to no avail. If anyone out there in blogland knows the answer, please post it in my comments section. I would appreciate it so much. I have a few more royalty free images that I'd love to share sometime.

Anyway... When I'm not resting and trying to get back to normal (whatever that is), I'm still here at my computer.

May your day be blessed with sunshine and smiles.


~Red Tin Heart~ said...

I am sorry you didn't get to go to camp..
I hope you get to feeling better.
Sending warm thoughts, Nita

Jeanie said...

Nita - thank you for checking out my blog. I went to yours and fell in love with it - and it's on my "favorite blogs" list.

As I read this post I thought that you would really enjoy and benefit from Neta Jackson's Yada Yada Prayer Group books. I am in the 7th (and last) of the series. They have touched my heart like no other.

Nita Jo said...

Nita - Thanks for the kind words. As you know so well... this too shall pass. Keeping the faith.

Jeanie - Thanks for stopping by and adding me to your list. Got to get mine updated. I hadn't heard of the books. I will definitely add them to my list (which is getting very long)of "must reads"... Come back often!

Christy Woolum said...

I know how special camp is for everyone in your extended family and your church. I know the nieces are having a good time this week. Z2 and I had quite a talk about camp and she told me so much about it and how special it has been to her... and I am sure you know that Silver Valley Girl and PKR met at that camp!! I love the pictures also... yes, I do remember the beard... I think they were doing a contest in Kellogg for some town celebration. I hope you get feeling better.

Nita Jo said...

I'm sure you're right about that beard. Trying to remember if he had it for the Dickens Festival the year I went up for that. Do they still do that in Kellogg? It was fun!

I remember that "Kellogg girl" who stole PKR's heart! Well, he had become a "Kellogg guy" again when the family moved back up there. Funny how so many connections just have people crossing paths again & again.